On its second year, KICK THE HABIT once again enjoins the public to end the vice of smoking and begin a healthy lifestyle through running. With a very successful fun run last year, KTH continues to see the impact of its campaign for Filipinos to stop smoking. But this time around, KTH is armed with more celebrity endorsers like actor/director Cesar Montano, stage actress Jaime Rivera, PBA/NBA basketball star Billy Ray Bates and other influential personalities who have forged an alliance to advocate for a non-smoking society.

Last night, I was invited to an online media/bloggers night at Chris Sports Megamall to witness the press launch of Kick The Habit 2 Fun Run. Present were some of the celebrity advocates who shared their stand on a no-smoking and a healthy lifestyle society. KHT Endorser Alvin Anson shared to us some of the dangers of smoking to the body and its effects on other people who don’t smoke. He even commented on the issue of other athletes who, while undergoing tedious trainings, still manage to smoke cigarettes afterwards. He also made some remarks on the issue of cigarette companies sponsoring sporting events despite their business contradicting sporting principles. Mr. Billy Ray Bates, a basketball sensation way back in the 80’s and who is now retired, shared about his past and how he has transformed to living a healthier and more holistic lifestyle, body, and spirit.
The Proceeds of KTH2 fun run will go to a non-government organization called HOPE Foundation. HOPE stands for Helping Overcome Poverty through Education. Its goal is to alleviate people from poverty through its four elements which is Education, Empowerment, Employment and Events. The fun run, along with its other fundraising efforts, hopes to generate more funds and support that will provide the needs of 1000 children living in the mountainous villages of Rizal province before the year 2013.
After the presentation, we were gathered to pose for some photo ops with the celebs and were given race kits for us to join in the fun run as well. Later, we enjoyed each other’s company while we share stories of our running experiences. Food was also served while we continued fellowshipping through the rest of the evening.
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